Saturday 25 May 2013

Her First Ball by Katherine Mansfield

Her First Ball by Katherine Mansfield archive.


  1. Topic: Her First Ball
    Booklet Question 3
    Intro: Leila's excitement and anxiety is vividly and empathetically brought to light by Katherine Mansfield in the story 'Her First Ball'. Mansfield makes use of flashbacks in the story to depict the thoughts and feelings of Leila before the ball and provides vivid and lifelike descriptions of what happens during the ball, thus conveying to the readers Leila's precise thoughts at the very instances. The writer also uses the stream of cognizance method to create the adrenaline rush in the story, making readers want to know more about a girl's first ball, and thus stimulates interest in the readers minds.

  2. We are suggested about Leila’s loneliness. She feels isolated in the party because of her lack of urbane experience. She was a naïve country girl “her nearest neighbour was 13km” who had just arrived from the outback to attend her first formal ball. The first hint that we get for this is when in the “middle of her dressing”, Leila “can’t go after all” which shows her lack of confidence of pulling it off well. Her inexperience is shown to us again when even during the ball she thinks “am I too young to be here”. Her inexperience, in addition to her countryside problems and the short coming and the contrast of her background with her present scenario are the major causes of her feeling isolated throughout the ball.

  3. Leila in the very beginning of the story is seen to be in an exhilarated and heavenly state. One can clearly understand this through Mansfield's descriptions of the lamp-posts 'waltzing',lights moving like 'fans' and 'little satin shoes' chasing 'each other like birds.' This depicts Leila's dream like state of mind where she is looking at every small thing with eyes wide open as she gazes around her surroundings.Thus, Mansfield emphasizes on Leila's innocence as well as her first time experience on going to the ball,also presenting her ecstasy to an extent where she could not restrain her feelings of excitement.
